Friday, March 26, 2010

25 things that are great

25. I have lost all my baby weight and am now to where I was before I was pregnant. My body doesn't look and feel the same though. I only have 5 more pounds to my goal weight.

24. I got pulled over in a construction zone and didn’t get a ticket. I didn't even have to cry.

23. The manager at Great Harvest Bread gave me a free cinnamon roll because I was in a cheery mood. They said everyone that day was in a bad mood so when I came in, I made their day brighter. I guess nice things do happen to nice people.

22. Udot has been making great progress on the road from Saratoga Springs to the freeway and the overpass in AF. They are getting things done so fast and we haven’t noticed much inconvenience from all the construction.

21. I had a coupon for a free bow at Katelyn and Co, a free panty at VS, and a free lotion at Bath and Body, then they gave me a free piece of pie at Deseret Book just because. I love free stuff!

20. Now that Redwood Road has been widened from Bangerter down to Saratoga Springs, my commute to SLC seems like nothing now and the road is so smooth.

19. It was actually sunny and kinda warm last week and the beginning of this week... and now it's snowing (the snowing part's not great but the sunny is.)

18. I have been running every day.

17. I ran 5 miles this Saturday. I’m amazing! I'm trying to work up to a half marathon.

16. I’m already getting booked for weddings this summer.

15. Avery is now giving me loves. That makes my heart just melt.

14. After working a night shift, chris took Avery to the babysitter and he ran some errands so I was able to sleep with no interruption. I felt great when I woke up.

13. Chris

12. I didn’t have to teach Sunday School this week. Thank you stake conference.

11. Visited Grandma Carlla.

10. Besides working last Wednesday, I did whatever I wanted to do (Be with my cute baby all day).

09. Avery is no longer sick.

08. I have the happiest baby in the world who smiles at everything and has the cutest laugh.

07. Avery is talking up a storm. I love her little voice.

06. Chris ironed all my clothes. I really hate ironing.

05. Did I mention it was sunny!?

04. I bought me and Avery some new clothes.

03. I Started reading the Book of Mormon to Avery every night she actually seems interested.

02. Did one full pull up on my pull up bar without cheating.

and the greates thing of all is Avery. I just love her so much and am so happy that I finally get to be a mom to the best baby EVER!


The Bender Family said...

W-O-W! How do you get so much free stuff?? I'm ALWAYS cheerful... Oh, well. If you ever want a running buddy, let me know! I don't run much yet, but I have a goal to accomplish a half marathon too... I'm still working up to 2 miles. I'm getting there though! Avery is just THE cutest baby ever! What a blessing! Motherhood is absolutely amazing!

Rachel Lovato said...

Thanks for sharing the positivity. I love positive thoughts. I love how you just put "Chris" and left it at that, how sweet. Keep the good thoughts coming. LOVE IT!