Now that Avery is 6 months old I thought I would post on the blog daily. So, if you are ever wondering what Chranvery are doing just check out the blog. I may miss a few days here and there especially on days I work. Don't have a hissy fit, I'm sure you wont miss much.
Thursday February 18th:
Chris went to Seattle yesterday for work so it was just me and Avery last night. I put her down about 11:30 and then I tried to take Maggie out but she wouldn't go. I went to bed fully expecting either the dog or Avery would wake me up in a few hours. I woke up at 9am and jumped up in a panic. I slept so soundly I thought that something happened. I'm usually pretty tired after I work a night shift but will wake up to the slightest noise. I couldn't believe it was 9am and Maggie was curled up next to me! I jumped out of bed and went to Avery's room to find her sleeping peacefully. I couldn't believe that I slept so good. Maybe it was the new king sized mattress I slept in all by myself. whatever it was I was feeling rested and energetic.
After a day at the mall Avery and I watched some TV, read a book and had some naked time on the floor. That is when Avery decided to eat her toes. In case you were wondering it was just Avery having naked time, she loves it. I mean who wouldn't?
It is now 9:30 and Avery is asleep in her crib, lets see how long that lasts. Well, it is now 10:30 and she is awake, that didn’t last long at all did it? she is chatting up a storm saying "da da dad". Chris just walked in the door and Avery gave him the biggest smile ever. So cute! I'm glad I work at night when she sleeps and doesn't miss me.
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