Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pregnancy update by request

I have a confession to make. Ever since my belly started to grow I don't EVER want to get dressed up. I am totally content with wearing scrubs or sweats. I told Chris that I wanted to go out tonight but didn't want to get dressed up; partly because I am lazy and partly because my pants don't fit anymore. How pathetic! Chris says I'm the laziest person who works out every day. Notice how I am wearing workout clothes in almost every picture. Suprisingly, I am loving my belly and like to show it off when I do get dressed up.

Now here's an update on the pregnancy:
I haven't been sick at all except for the week in Naperville, Il when I was really sensitive to smells and just felt kind of icky. Honestly, I think I have had an uneventful pregnancy when it comes to symptoms (sorry Brook & Brooke).
I first felt her kick at about 16 weeks and Chris felt her about 19 weeks. Now she kicks me ALL the time so I have already diagnosed her with ADHD. It seems like I am carrying her extremely low (which is probably why I don't like to wear regular pants). I swear I am squishing her little head sometimes. When I am lying in bed she likes to move her way up my belly, last night it was like she was doing summersaults to get there. No rest for the weary.
I love to watch my belly when she kicks, I can't wait to see it when it is more defined. I struggled with the idea of adopting because I wanted to feel movement inside my womb. I am extremely thankful that I get to have these experiences.
We had THE IMPORTANT ultrasound last week, you know the one where they measure everything, determine the sex and look for congenital abnormalities. I am happy to report that everything looks normal and she is actually measuring a little small (which is good because I'm a small person, no Carn head please!) Some of those US pictures are creepy, even creepier than the floating baby on the right. But I think she has my chin and "Jacked up" pinkies. I had a lot of hair when I was born as did Chris so we are prepared for a little monkey child.
Thank you everyone for your support and excitement.
12 weeks

18 weeks
20 weeks (I'm starting to explode)

22 weeks and 2 weeks left of school
My butt's as big as my belly. HaHa


Em said...

Your 22 week belly is so stinkin' cute! Happy day for graduating! Whoot!

Stacy and Justin said...

You look cute with your little belly! I so want to be pregnant again so I can feel a little one kick me too! I love that! We need to hang...

April said...

Very cute and very exciting! I can't believe how a couple weeks makes such a difference. Just a couple more andy you will be graduated. Looking back are you so excited that you made the choice to do it? Are you going to work?

Amy said...

You look absolutely AMAZING!! Love it!

bradget said...

CUTE! You are the toughest looking pregnant woman I have ever seen. Tell Chris all the gym clothes and memberships have definately paid off :)

Loving the belly, I'm sad I probably won't get to see it in person.

karen★ said...

you are the cutest pregnant girl ever! hopefully she will wear herself out so much with her ADHD now that she will be nice and calm when she is born...yea right! p.s. i had a baby 3 weeks ago and i still want to wear work-out clothes all the this a bad example for my ultra hip boys?!

bradget said...

PS - just saw the poll you are taking. I voted for Avery. I love that!