Sunday, November 16, 2008

Recap of this year

Well, I should be studying for a test but instead I am blogging. Maybe if we had some chitlins I would post more, but we don't so I wont. Since I'm not very good at blogging here are a few pictures that represent our year so far. Here's the yearly update: I'm still in nursing, Maggie is still cute, We made some jam with my dad, had another anniversary, went on a cruise to the Carribean, and fished at Scowfield. Then we had a blast in Lake Powell and Chris shot his first deer. No kids yet but if you see any lying around, send em to our house.


bradget said...

I'm glad you guys are coming to Naperville for Christmas and so also that you are blogging again :) Makes my work day go by all that much faster.

Audrey said...

I love reading about your adventures, no matter how small your posts are!

Stacy and Justin said...

Those are some sweet pictures hunting and wake boarding!