Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Things You May not Know about Me

1. I have a twin brother (no we are not identical. Seriously, I get that question a lot)
2. My pinkies are crooked and my kids will have crooked pinkies or as Chris would say "Jacked up Pinkies".
3. I have been to 25/50 states as well as Spain, England, Scottland, Switzerland, Bahamas.
4. I would really really really love to go to Australia and New Zealand.
5. I met my best friends when I was 4 in a sandbox down the street from my house. We are still friends and they are twins also.
6. There were 6 sets of twins in my ward growing up.
7. I am pregnant with twins.
8. number seven is not true. I just have one baby growing in my belly. Hee Hee Hee got ya didn't I?
9. My very first job was a paper girl.
10. I am a wedding photographer and a damn good one too.
11. The one sport I have always wanted to learn but never did is Soccer.
12. I used to catch snakes and frogs when I was little.
13. I ate a worm because I wanted to know what it tasted like. (not recomended)
14. I ate cow tongue because my mome thought it would be fun and for some reason she thought we would like it. Boy, was she wrong!
15. Even though I have been trying to get pregnant forever, I am scared to death to be a mom.
16. I have not had the flu since I was in grade school. I don't remember the last time I threw up from being sick. Lortab doesn't count.
17. I love to be spontaneous.
18. I like to organize things and like things to be perfectly aligned.
19. Nothing bad ever happens at the hospital when I'm working, but the minute I leave all hell breaks loose.
20. I had my belly button pierced and loved it.
21. I secretly want to be a vampire so I could fly and live forever.
22. I wanted to be an Archeologist when I was little. Good thing I didn't pick that profession, I'm too ADD.
23. My tongue was almost sliced off when I had my tonsils taken out.
24. I am not afraid of anything except ghosts and psychotic people.
25. And last but not least... I have spent some time in jail.


Amy said...

Okay you so got me on number 7 you, I seriously thought you were. But I love that you at least have one huh? How are you feeling anyway?

Chris and Angie Carn said...

I'm feelin' good. How are you and the fam? I saw your pictures on your blog. That has to be scary for the kids, was that their first accident?

bradget said...

Number 7 was a dirty trick :)

April said...

This is the funniest 25 things list EVER!!! Twins, vampire, jail? Details. This is the subject of our next VT visit.

Audrey said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is so great!

karen★ said...

Hi Angie and Chris! (I am Carol's daughter, Chris's cousin.) CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy. My mom told me a few weeks ago but I truly believed number seven so number eight came as a little bit of a shock! We are really excited for you guys and so sorry to hear that you have had to eat cow tongue...not my favorite either!

teej said...

Only ghosts and psychotic people? What about clowns? Have ou finally gotten over that?