Okay I admit I am a horrible blogger so here is our update in in 60 seconds...
I am currently working in the Emergency Room as a nurse at American Fork Hospital. I hate leaving my family but I love my job. Chris still works for Hewlett-Packard in his home office downstairs. I can't say he loves his j
ob as much as I do but he has more perks. Avery's loves her job as a kid and she is really good at it. She has to be the smartest little girl I have e
ver met. She isn't even 2 years old yet and she can sing her ABC's all the way through, count to 13 (not 10 but 13), she sings full songs and talks like an adult.
She is extremely active and loves to climb on everything and chase Maggie so she can give her hugs. Ask her to give you a smooch and she will pucker up and give you a slobbery kiss. Seriously I love that kid! She makes us smile every day.
Here are some of her favorite things:
People: Mom, Dad, "Grrrraaampaaa" (said in a low growl)
Place: "Davie's house" and Nursery
TV shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Super Why, Elmo, and Einstein
Food: "Fry Fry" (French fries) and surprisingly vegetables.
Phrase: "Hi Mom" or "Dad" said over and over and over again.
Secret: "I wuv You"
article of clothes: Shoes
accessory: Purse, sunglasses, Mommy's jewelry. She loves them all just like a true Diva.
Room in the house: bathroom specifically under the sink where she likes to hide and the bathtub.
Toy: Baby doll and stuffed dogs
color: Blue
Book: I see Me (Thanks Ginger)
favorite thing to play with outside: Rocks (we get a new pile in the house every day)
Favorite illegal act: driving the truck (for pretenzies)
Songs: child of God, twinkle twinkle, Popcorn popping, and ABC's. We are working on a potty time song.
I don't know what we are going to do with another little girl. How is she going to measure up to Avery's cuteness? Oh, if you didn't already know we are pregnant with our second girl. she is due to greet us October 9th which isn't
very convenient for the hunting season. Speaking of hunting, Chris got an elk tag this year. We are both super excited! Now we just need to figure out how I can go with him after having a baby.
In addition to working and playing with Avery, I keep busy with many projects. I have made a couple journal books, a ruffle bag, apron, hat for Avery, painted Avery's room and am now working on a quilt for Avery. I have a gazillion more projects on my list. As soon as the dang weather warms up and stops raining I can work on them. Here are some of my latest projects:
Avery's Christmas Stocking